Join us as we honor the stories of Chagrin Valley Veterans in our new exhibit in the Museum Gallery from May 23 through November 11, 2019. This exhibit and speaker series are sponsored by American Legion Post 383 and VFW Post 12067.
This exhibit explores the stories of our veterans through their uniforms and personal effects. Beginning with the Civil War and ending with more recent wars, the exhibit features part of the Museum’s extensive military uniform collection, personal objects and papers, as well as items on loan from current residents who were more recently in military service.
The Speaker Series- “Through Their Voices: Veterans from Chagrin Valley and Beyond” will be a monthly program June through November. Each month will be one program on a different war or conflict and will feature one or more veterans.
Museum Hours- Tues/Wed/Fri 11am-3pm by appointment
Thurs. 2-7pm; Sat. 11am-3pm
Free Admission