Township Hall, formerly known as Library Hall and Town Hall, was built in 1848 as a public library and lecture hall. It was purchased by the Township Trustees in 1864 as an office for the Trustees and to serve as a place to hold elections, in addition to serving as lecture hall.

In 1875, responding to a public call to update the building, the Trustees hired Cleveland architect Joseph Ireland to enlarge the hall, add a jail, a Township office, and a second story Opera House. Henry Church, Jr. fashioned a weathervane to adorn the cupola. Community concerts and lectures were held there. The Chagrin Valley Little Theatre staged its productions in the Opera House. 

A fire in 1943 destroyed the roof and the Opera House. Many original architectural elements of the first floor survived the fire. Today, it is the site of public and private events. Township Hall was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.