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Robert ‘Bob’ Takatch, (1924-2003) known as “the dean of Chagrin Falls watercolorists,” lived a life characterized by creativity, generosity, and a passion for sharing his knowledge with others.

A WWII Navy veteran, Bob worked for The Plain Dealer, American Greetings and Color Craft Corporation, where he served as art director and vice-president for eight years. Bob was one of the organizers of the original 1946 Chagrin Artists Association, now the Valley Art Center. Along with all of his paintings and drawings, Bob illustrated the popular children’s book series “Max & Annie” and was responsible for the design of a 40-foot mural that was on a wall at the West Side Market.

Bob committed a significant amount of his time educating and inspiring future generations of artists, teaching at the Cooper School of Art, Cuyahoga Community College and Lakeland Community College. He also taught a commercial art course for high school students through Excel Tech at Orange High School.

Photo for Bob Takatch
Bob Takatch, 1990.
Photo for Bob Takatch
Chagrin Valley Directory Cover by Bob Takatch.
Photo for Bob Takatch
Watercolor of a section of Main Street by Bob Takatch
Photo for Bob Takatch
Bob Takatch’s painting of River Street.

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